PK \{W meta.xmlvpaulXMindR3.7.9.20191205235687463#FFFFFFPK7aj PK \{W content.xmlZCMakeStaticSiteprocess_assets()generate_extra_domains()cut directories?cut_mss_dirs()Deploy on Netlify?Deploy with rsync?deploy_on_netlify()rsync optionsLibrariesconstants.shgeneral.shvalidate.shconfig.shConfiguration filesP0: Initialisationuser environment (display and OS)read command line inputinitialise files and folders layoutinitialise variablesP1: Prepare CMSwp_prep()mod_wp.shP2: Generate Static SiteIs wmd_get_wayback_site()mod_wayback.shN: wget_mirror()P3: Augment Static Sitewget_extra_urls()P4: Refine Static Sitesite_postprocessing()P5: Add Extrasadd_extras()P6: Optimiseclean_mirror()P7: Use snippetsprocess_snippets()P8: Create offline zipcreate_zip()P9: DeployDeploy localDeploy Remote?P10: Conclude-1MakeStaticSite Workflow Version 0.1 by Paul TraffordThis mind map presents in timeline format the execution of the Bash shell script,, as a phased sequence. It is to accompany discussion at: ending in () brackets denote Bash functions.Script files are shown with .sh file extensions. MakeStaticSite Workflow
Version 0.1 by Paul Trafford
This mind map presents in timeline format the execution of the Bash shell script,, as a phased sequence. It is to accompany discussion at:
Labels ending in () brackets denote Bash functions.
Script files are shown with .sh file extensions. PhasesYESNOYESNOYESYESNONOPK4_C ZC PK \{W
styles.xml!OPK:&! ! PK \{W 0 extensions/org.xmind.ui.presentation.stories.xml CPKK[] PK \{W 2 Revisions/7r0nhelghn5cfih83pf8b22co9/revisions.xml%PK=* % PK \{W = Revisions/7r0nhelghn5cfih83pf8b22co9/rev-24-1701790016011.xml CMakeStaticSiteprocess_assets()generate_extra_domains()cut directories?cut_mss_dirs()Deploy on Netlify?Deploy with rsync?deploy_on_netlify()rsync optionsLibrariesconstants.shgeneral.shvalidate.shconfig.shConfiguration filesP0: Initialisationuser environment (display and OS)read command line inputinitialise files and folders layoutinitialise variablesP1: Prepare CMSwp_prep()mod_wp.shP2: Generate Static SiteIs wmd_get_wayback_site()mod_wayback.shN: wget_mirror()P3: Augment Static Sitewget_extra_urls()P4: Refine Static Sitesite_postprocessing()P5: Add Extrasadd_extras()P6: Optimiseclean_mirror()P7: Use snippetsprocess_snippets()P8: Create offline zipcreate_zip()P9: DeployDeploy localDeploy Remote?P10: Conclude-1MakeStaticSite Workflow Version 0.1 by Paul TraffordThis mind map presents in timeline format the execution of the Bash shell script,, as a phased sequence. It is to accompany discussion at: ending in () brackets denote Bash functions.Script files are shown with .sh file extensions. MakeStaticSite Workflow
Version 0.1 by Paul Trafford
This mind map presents in timeline format the execution of the Bash shell script,, as a phased sequence. It is to accompany discussion at:
Labels ending in () brackets denote Bash functions.
Script files are shown with .sh file extensions. PhasesYESNOYESNOYESYESNONOPKT45C C PK \{W <